For a quick overview, check the People video guide.
People at Float
People are your full or part-time employees, temporary contractors, and any other resources (like placeholders) that you want to schedule within Float. The Account Owner, Admins, and Managers with access to create and edit people can add people to your Float team.
Anybody who appears on the Schedule, regardless of whether they have account access, is considered a person at Float and requires a paid seat.
Add a person manually
There are a few different ways to add a person to your team:
Click the + button in the top-right of Float and then Add person.
Click the person icon in the top-left above your team on the Schedule or People page.
Use the keyboard shortcut Shift+E.
Import people list
In addition to manually adding people, you can upload your team members using the CSV import or one of the project management integrations. Click here to learn how to import people.
Info tab
The Info tab on a person's profile contains general information about the person.
Role - A person's role within your organization with the default hourly rate (if set).
Department - A functional or organizational unit of people with similar skills, expertise, or responsibilities. You can sort and filter the Schedule by department or limit a person's view to one or more departments.
Tags - Tags are a great way to identify individual skills and talents within your team. You can sort and filter any Float page by a tag.
Type - There are three resource types: employee, contractor, or placeholder. All of them can be excluded from your reporting as needed.
Hourly rate - A person's default hourly rate applied to any new projects you create. You can also set project- and phase-specific rates within the project settings.
Access tab and sending invite
Assigning access rights to a person sends them an invitation to join your team and log into Float.
Team members added as people can be assigned a Member, Manager, or Admin access rights. Learn more about access rights and different permissions offered in Float here.
📝Note: The invitation expires after seven days. If the link expires or the invitation email
is lost, hit the Resend invite to send it again.
💡 Here's a tip: To update a team member's email address after they've been assigned access, click the X next to their access to remove access rights for their old email address and then edit the email address.
Availability tab
Start and end date - Setting a start or end date reflects the team member’s start and end dates with your organization. This is great for onboarding new hires or maintaining a historical record of past team members' work without impacting your reporting.
📝Note: Updating the start date removes any allocations scheduled before that date.
Full-time/part-time - You can set your team's default work hours per day and work days per week from the Hours & Currency tab within the Team settings. Marking a person part-time allows you to adjust their availability without impacting anyone else. You can learn more about setting custom availability here.
Public holidays - You can add regional holidays to specific team members. Find out more about assigning holidays to your team here.
Notes - The character limit for notes is 1500 characters. The Notes field also supports hyperlinks and can be used to link to outside documents.
Projects tab
The Projects tab is where you can view the projects to which your team members belong. Adding a new project to the Assign a project field adds the team member to the project team.
📝Note: Allocating time for a project to the team member directly on the Schedule automatically adds the project to the team member’s project list.
To remove a person from a project, click the X next to the project and confirm. Doing so will delete all logged and scheduled time for the person on this project.
Manages tab
If a person is set as a People Manager, their profile includes the Manages tab, which lists the people and/or departments they are in charge of.
Additional information
If no resend invite link is available in a person's profile, the invitation has already been accepted. If a person has trouble logging in, they can request a password reset.
Custom fields are currently not supported in the people menu. We recommend using the Notes field in the Availability tab or people tags to store any extra information about your team members.
When you try to add a new person after your team reaches the current seat limit, you will see the "You have reached your plan limit. Please upgrade your plan to add more people" warning. Your team's Account Owner can add more seats in the Team Settings > Plans & billing. You can still remain on the same plan (Starter/Pro/Enterprise) as there is no seat limit on each of them, but you'd need to increase the seat limit or archive people who you no longer need to schedule to free up the license.