For a quick overview, check the Adding People and Guests to your team video guide.
Guest users are individuals with account access who do not appear on your team's Schedule. Float allows you to add unlimited guest users for free. Depending on the assigned access rights, guests can view or edit your team, but you cannot allocate any work for them.
The guest feature is ideal for team members who need oversight of the team's work but do not need to plan their own tasks in Float.
Inviting a guest
Guests can be added by the Account Owner and the team Admins:
1) Navigate to Team settings > Guests
2) Click Invite
3) Add the guest’s name and their email address
4) Assign access rights
5) Click Invite
📝Note: Optionally, you can add a message that will be included in the invitation email.
The invitation is sent from the email address, and the message title is You're invited to join "Your Team Name" in Float.
After clicking on Let's login, guest user is prompted to create a password or sign up with Google (requiring no Float password).
Switching a person to a guest
As your team structure evolves, you may want to switch a person on the Schedule to a guest. In that case, you'd want to:
1) Archive the person’s profile
2) Remove their email address from the archived profile
3) Invite them as a guest
📝Note: A user cannot be added as both a person and a guest on your team. If you encounter the "Email already in use by a person on this team. Please try another." error message while adding a guest, it means that the email address is already linked to an existing profile on the Schedule. To invite them as a guest, you need to archive them and ensure that the email address is removed from their profile.
💡 Here's a tip: Account Owners who don't need work scheduled for themselves can archive themselves from the Schedule by selecting Actions > Move to archive from their profile. This will make them a guest and free up a seat on the team. All their historical data will be retained in Float.
If the Account Owner deletes their own profile from the People page, they will also be made a guest on the team, but all their scheduled and logged allocations will be permanently deleted. In both cases, the Account Owner will keep their access rights and appear on the guests' list in Team settings > Guests.
Resending the guest invite
The invite to log in for the first time expires after seven days. You can resend or edit the invitation from the Pending invites tab in the Guests settings.
Editing and deleting guests
You can edit or remove your team's guests in the Guests tab of Team settings.
Switching a guest to a person
As your team’s needs grow, you may want to start scheduling for guest users. At Float, you can allocate work only for people who appear on the Schedule. To switch a guest to a person:
1) Remove them from the guests' list in Team settings > Guests
📝Note: A user cannot be added as both a guest and a person on your team. If you encounter the "Email already in use by a guest on this team. Please try another." error message while adding a new person, it means the email address is already linked to a guest profile. To add them as a person on the Schedule, you must first remove them from the Guests list.