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Project plan

Overview of all your projects and teams working on them

Justyna Kawalec avatar
Written by Justyna Kawalec
Updated over a month ago

For a quick overview, check the Project plan video guide.

The Project plan page, which can be accessed from the main navigation sidebar, provides an overview of all your active projects and the teams working on them. It is a great place for planners to view, edit, and schedule any current and future work within draft, tentative, and confirmed projects.

Project plan page.

📝Note: All draft projects have the draft status indicator (dashed outline icon) next to their name.

Project team​

On the Project plan, your projects appear along with their current budget status (if set) and the count of visible project team members. This shows all team members on the selected project and across its phases (excluding archived people). 

📝Note: Archived people do not show on the Project plan view.

You can expand the team view by clicking on the expand/collapse icon. It will show the project's team and their allocations.

People whose names are greyed out are listed as the project's team, but no allocations have been scheduled for them on that project yet.

Person with no project allocation.

Allocations that aren't part of the current project appear as crossed-line blocks to give you an overview of your team's competing priorities. You can click a crossed-line allocation to see its info and make changes as needed (if you have edit rights).

Editing allocations on the Project plan view.

To get a high-level overview of all your active projects with their phases and milestones without viewing your team's individual allocations, click on the Collapse/Expand button in the bottom left corner of the page.

Collapse/Expand project teams

Project dates

The Project plan shows projects' start and end dates, which can be navigated using the arrows. Clicking on the arrows moves the timeline to the start/end date of the selected project. You can always get back to today's date by clicking Today in the top right corner of the page.

Moving on the project's time line.

Date range insights

​When the time frame is selected, the total hours scheduled for each person on the project are displayed next to their name, while the total hours scheduled for all of your projects appear next to the date range at the top. Date range insights can be displayed in hours or percentages.

Date range insights on the Project plan view.


Each phase is displayed next to the project name alongside milestones.

Confirmed phases and their milestones are displayed in color, while tentative phases and their milestones are displayed as color outlines. For draft projects, draft phases and milestones are displayed as dashed outlines.

Phases displayed on the Project plan view.


Milestones appear across from the project name on their assigned dates. They can be added and edited directly on the Project plan view, just like any allocation can.

Milestones displayed on the Project plan page

Action menu - editing a project

​You can make changes to an individual project using the action menu. To access it, click the arrow icon that appears when hovering over the project's name.

Project's actions menu icon

Action menu of a project.

​The actions include:

  • Edit - View the project side panel and make quick changes.

  • Assign people - Add new team members to the project.

  • Add a phase - Create a new phase for the project.

  • Shift timeline - Move all of the project's tasks, milestones, and phases together.

  • Duplicate - Create a copy of an existing project, including its phases and budget.

  • Archive - Remove the project from the Project plan view while maintaining a historical record within your reports.

Editing a person

Similarly, clicking the action menu arrow next to an individual team member reveals additional people actions.

Editing people on the Project plan view.


  • View profile - Make quick changes to the person's account.

  • Switch person - Remove the person from the project and replace them with a different person. All previously scheduled allocations will be assigned to the new team member. The hourly rate for the new team member on this project remains the same as the original person's hourly rate on this project.

  • Remove from project - Remove the person from the project. All previously scheduled allocations and time logged for this project will be permanently deleted.

Additional Info

  • Only active projects are displayed in the Project plan view.

  • On the Project plan view, you can sort by name, client and age. Custom sort is not supported for projects in the Project plan view, but you can sort individual team members within each project.

  • Dragging an allocation or a milestone from one project to another project is not supported.

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