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Project phases

Break down your projects into phases to keep track of groups of tasks and milestones

Justyna Kawalec avatar
Written by Justyna Kawalec
Updated over a week ago

Project phases help you plan and track your projects more efficiently by breaking them into smaller, manageable parts. You can search by project phase, track project budgets by phase, and even move all of a project phase's allocations simultaneously if a deadline shifts.

Create a project phase

There are a few different ways to create a project phase:

  • From the Projects page, hover over the project, click the + icon to add a phase, and set the phase details in the side panel. 

    Add project phase from Projects page.

  • From the project side panel, open the Phases section and click Add a phase. Once added, click on the phase name to open the phase side panel.

    Add a project phase from project side panel.

  • From the Project plan view, click the menu next to the project name and select Add a phase.

    Adding a project phase from the Project plan page.

  • From the Project plan view, drag across multiple days at the top of the project plan.

    Drag and add a project phase from the Project plan page.

Setting up phase details

Similar to setting up a project, for each project phase, you can add a name and a status, set the start/end date, select a phase-specific color, and add any additional information.

📝Note: While you can set the tentative phases within a confirmed project, creating confirmed phases in a tentative project is not supported. 

Phase details in the project side panel.

📝Note: By default, phases color is the same as the project color, but it can be adjusted whenever needed.

To add or edit phase details, simply click on the phase name in the project side panel, and the phase side panel will open.

Editing phase details in the project side panel.

Phase Budget

If the project budget is hours-based or fee-based by phase, you can adjust the budget details for each phase.

  • Hours by phase - You can set the total hours budget for each project phase you create.

Hours-based phase budget.

  • Fee by phase - You can set a total fee budget for each project phase you create.

Fee-based phase budget.

💡 Here's a tip: You can set up a repeating monthly retainer for a project by creating a new phase for each month (i.e., this month, next month, etc.) and then using the Hours by phase or Fee by phase budget options.

Phase Team

By default, each phase has the same team as the original project. When you add a new phase, all people added to a Team section on a project level will automatically be added as the phase's Team. You can add or remove phase team members as needed. 

Adding and removing phase team members.

If the project's budget is fee-based by phase, you can change the team's hourly rates for a particular phase without impacting other phases in the project.

Adjusting phase hourly rates.

Phase Tasks and Milestones

Tasks and milestones can be set at both the project level and phase level. Those details are unique to each project and phase and do not transfer or automatically copy when creating a new phase.

Phase tasks and milestones.

Navigating between project phases

If a project has multiple phases, you can easily navigate between them using the up and down arrows in the top right corner of the side panel.

Navigation between project phases in the side panel.

Allocating and logging time for a specific project phase

When allocating time on the Schedule, you can select the project phase on the allocation menu.

Allocating time to a specific project phase.

If the task list is locked, you must also select the task when allocating time.

Allocating time to a specific phase task, with the task list locked.

If your team uses time tracking, team members can choose which phase (and task if required) they log their time for.

Logging time for a specific project phase.

Archiving or deleting a phase

If you'd like to prevent your team from scheduling and logging time on a phase moving forward, you can archive it. Archiving the phase will set any existing phase allocations and logged time to read-only to prevent editing.

To archive a phase, open it in the side panel, click on the three dots menu at the top right corner and select Archive.

Archiving a project phase.

Only archived phases can be deleted. Deleting a phase permanently removes all phase data, including scheduled and logged time. Phase data cannot be restored once deleted.

To delete an archived phase, open it in the side panel, click on the three dots menu at the top right corner, and select Delete.

Deleting an archived project phase.

Project phases on the Project plan view

The Project plan view of your team's schedule provides a high-level overview of all your projects, phases, allocations, and milestones. Each phase is displayed next to the project name and alongside your project milestones.

Your team and their assigned allocations are located just below. Each project can be expanded or collapsed individually to show/hide your team.

Project plan view of a project with phases and milestones; expanding team.

💡 Here's a tip: To change the phase timeline and move all allocations for that phase, drag the entire phase bar forward or backward along the Project plan.

When adding milestones directly to the Project plan view, you can choose which phase they belong to.

Adding a milestone on the Project plan directly.


Phases and their budget are displayed on both the chart view and the table view of a single project report. Individual phase tasks are nested below each phase in the table.

Single Project Report with phase details.

Additional info

  • Tasks and milestones are not copied from the project to its phases. The original project only shows tasks and milestones assigned to No phase.

  • Copying the task list from the project to phases is not currently supported.

  • Adding an allocation or milestone to the Schedule outside of a phase's start/end date will automatically adjust the start/end date accordingly. Deleting the first/last allocation assigned to a phase will automatically change the start/end date but never inside the original set dates.

  • Dragging the phase's start/end from the Project plan view will update the start/end dates of the phase.

  • You cannot drag or edit the phase start date to be after the first allocation or the phase end date to be before the last allocation. To edit the phase dates, you’ll first need to move the allocations on the schedule to fall within the date range you’d like to assign to the phase.

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