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Time tracking

Log your team's actual hours worked using pre-filled timesheets

Justyna Kawalec avatar
Written by Justyna Kawalec
Updated over a week ago

Time tracking features are available for Pro and Enterprise users of Float.

Time tracking provides an easy way to measure your team's time spent on their assigned work. You can compare a person’s scheduled time against their actual time to improve your team’s efficiency and forecast future projects more confidently.

Log my time - tracking your individual work

Team members can track and manage their individual logged hours. The ability to log time depends on your access rights. If you have editing permission, you can log your time by hitting Log time on the left sidebar.

Logging your own time in Float.

Log time suggestions

On the Log my time page, we automatically display the log time suggestions. These are log time recommendations based on the Schedule. For example, if you schedule 8 hours, 8 hours will show as a suggestion for logging. These recommendations can be deleted or edited as needed. To log the suggested time, simply click Log.

Logging time using log time suggestions.

Add a new log time record

You can also create a new log time record by clicking any date and completing the Log time details.

Adding a new log time record.

Similarly to allocations, each log time record needs to be assigned to a project. You can choose one of the projects from the drop-down list.

You can also choose to log time for a specific phase and task. If a project already has a task list created, tasks will be displayed in the drop-down. If you see a lock icon next to the Task field, it means that the Project Owner has locked the task list, and you can only log time to one of the tasks from this approved list.

For each log time record, you can add a Note and tag a team member if needed.

Log time record.

Review already logged hours

A daily tally of hours logged is displayed next to each day, and the total hours logged for the week are shown in the top-right of the screen.

Logged hours display on the Log my time screen.

Bulk-log time

You can log the remaining time for the selected timeframe by clicking on the Log button in the top right corner of the page.

💡 Here's a tip: You can also track your time using the Time Tracking Timer or the Timer app.

Log team - tracking your team's time

To log time for your team or review the log time records, click Log team from the drop-down on the Schedule.

Switching to the log team view.

​📝 Note: You can toggle between logged and scheduled hours on the Schedule using the drop-down to quickly see who hasn't logged their hours yet and better understand your team's ability to take on future work.

Log time suggestions

Similar to Log my time page, the Log team page automatically displays the suggested hours. These are log time recommendations based on the Schedule. They can be edited or deleted as needed.

Log time recommendations, log time suggestions.

Review logged hours

Your team's total unlogged hours are displayed next to the date range selected. If you hover over it, you can see the total logged hours and the hours that are still to be logged.

Log time details.

Bulk-log time

The Account Owner or Admins can click on the blue button at the top of the Log team page, which indicates the unlogged hours in the given date range, to log all the hours for the team in bulk. ​

Bulk-log time.

Log time for individual team members

Each person’s unlogged hours for the selected date range are displayed next to their name. Click on any logged time suggestion to adjust the hours and log the time, or if the scheduled time is correct, click the hours next to the person's name to log time for the selected date range.

Logging time for an individual team member.

You can also create new logged time entries and delete logged time suggestions that are no longer relevant. For each log time record, you can leave a Note to add context.

Log time record with a note.

📝 Note: You can archive a project to prevent your team from logging more time for it. Archiving preserves your scheduled and logged hours and makes the project read-only.

Log time display format

By default, the logged time is displayed in hours and minutes (HH:MM, for example, 2:30) instead of decimal hours (2,5). You can switch the log time display format from your Profile settings.

Changing the time format display.

📝 Note: The displayed time on the Schedule, Project plan or Report will always be in decimal hours. If enabled, the hours & minutes (HH:MM) format will only be displayed on the Log time pages.

Time tracking settings

Your team's Account Owner and the Admins can manage the time tracking settings in the Time tracking tab of Team settings.

Log time

You can choose to enable to disable the ability to log time for your team.

Log time settings.

Automatic time logging

Select the interval and frequency by setting how many days after the week's or month's end to log time for the team automatically. When enabled, all suggested hours will automatically be logged between 6 and 7 am in your team's timezone on the indicated day.

Automatic time logging settings.

Lock logged time

You can lock your team’s logged time to prevent changes and improve reporting and billing accuracy.

Select the week, month, or year option, and then enter how many days after the chosen period your team’s logged hours become locked.

Lock logged time settings.


The Report page gives you a true view of both the estimated time that appears on the Schedule and the actual time that your team logs.

You can view your Logged time and Scheduled time in isolation, your Logged and Future scheduled time together, or compare Logged vs. Scheduled time for both your people and projects.

Logged time reports.

📝Note: Logged hours do not display in your reporting for past logged time until the date they are logged has passed (e.g., tasks logged for today's date will not display until tomorrow).

Logged time report

The Logged report shows all the time logged in the selected timeframe. It includes both billable and non-billable hours.

Past logged + future scheduled report.

Logged vs. Scheduled report

The Logged vs. Scheduled report compares the logged and scheduled time on the same chart.

Past logged + Future Scheduled report

The Past logged + Future Scheduled report lets you check the already logged hours as well as the work that is scheduled for the future in the selected timeframe.

Time tracking details on People report

To see a full breakdown of each team member's logged hours, check the Time tracking tab while viewing the people report.

Time tracking details on the People report.

​Logged time details on Projects report

Logged hours are also displayed while viewing your projects. The table data can be sorted by the total logged percentage of a budget in addition to the total scheduled percentage of a budget.

Total logged percentage of a budget on the Projects report.

​To see the details of an individual project, click the specific project in the table or use the filter at the top of the page to show the Single Project Report.

Single project report.


Time tracking reminder emails

Depending on your preference, you can send your team a helpful nudge to log their time daily or weekly.

The Account Owner can schedule reminder emails from the Notifications tab within Team settings.

Time tracking reminders settings.

Individual team members can also set up Slack notifications and schedule their own time-tracking reminders.

Slack's time tracking reminders settings.

Additional notes

  • If you log time for one day of a repeating allocation, it doesn't affect your other scheduled allocations.

  • No logged time suggestions will appear for tentative allocations.

  • Adding or removing a logged time suggestion from the Log team view or Log time tab does not affect the allocation on the Schedule.

  • Marking an allocation complete on the Schedule does not impact the logged time suggestion on the Log team view or Log time tab.

  • Editing and removing logged time suggestions via API is currently not available.

  • The Account owner and Admins can edit anyone's logged time, while Project Managers can edit logged time only for projects they have edit access to.

  • To mention another team member, you can type "@" in the Notes field on the logged time suggestions. Depending on their notification settings, they will receive a notification via email, Slack, or mobile push.

  • You can log your time on the go via Float iOS and Android mobile app.

  • If you log all the time for your team on the Log team page, all times will appear as logged by you.

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