The People Report shows the numbers behind your team's time. On the People view of the reports, you can monitor your team’s capacity and utilization, view overtime and time off, and - if you're using time tracking features - track your team's logged hours.
People Report
To access the people report, navigate to the Report page and select People at the top left corner.
For each report, you can set the date range you'd like to cover, people, allocations and time off you'd like to include, the preferred view (days, weeks, months), and the set of data (Scheduled, Logged, Logged vs Scheduled, Past logged + Future Scheduled).
All of your team's scheduled hours (billable, non-billable, tentative) are displayed in the bar chart. Hovering over the chart will reveal the numbers for a particular date. The summary bar shows the aggregate totals for the date range you've selected.
People Report Data
Here's an overview of what the numbers in the report mean:
The total working hours per day multiplied by the number of working days for each person in the selected timeframe. For example, during a work week that is Mon-Fri, 8 hours a day, the available hours will be 5 x 8 = 40 hrs. This number is then multiplied by the number of viewable people.
📝 Note: Time off, public holidays, and custom holidays are deducted from a person's overall capacity.Scheduled
The total number of allocated hours assigned in the time period (Billable hours + Non-billable hours). The percentage figure is correlated to the Capacity Hrs.
The number of allocated hours from billable projects, phases and tasks in that period. The percentage is related to the Scheduled Hrs. This is your team's utilization.
The number of allocated hours from non-billable projects, phases and tasks in that time period. The percentage is correlated to the Scheduled Hrs.
The number of hours available to be scheduled. The percentage is correlated to the Capacity Hrs.
Time Off
The total number of hours of time off assigned in the time period.
The total number of hours of overtime assigned in the time period. The number is based on your team's individual daily work hours.
Scheduled %, Billable %
Scheduled percentage of capacity. It can also be set to display the billable percentage of capacity or the billable percentage of the scheduled hours.
Search and filter
Your data can be filtered, expanded, and sorted however you'd like.
Select from one of your Views, apply a new filter, or type directly into the search field to filter the report data.
You can filter and search by multiple categories at the same time by selecting the + button to expand the search.
💡 Here's a tip: Search by the person Me to see only your individual scheduled hours and time off.
Export your data
To export a report in CSV format, click Export in the top right corner of the page. Depending on your team's plan, you can choose to export a specific set of data (Scheduled, Logged, Logged vs Scheduled, Past logged + Future Scheduled), and it's details (chart, table, time-tracking).
Chart data export
The chart data export of the People report includes:
Capacity hrs
Scheduled hrs
Scheduled %
Scheduled Billable hrs
Scheduled Billable %
Scheduled Non-billable hrs
Scheduled Non-billable %
Scheduled Tentative (all) hrs
Scheduled Tentative (all) %
Unscheduled hrs
Logged hrs
Logged %
Logged Billable hrs
Logged Billable %
Logged Non-billable hrs
Logged Non-billable %
Scheduled Overtime hrs
Logged Overtime hrs
Time off / Holiday hrs
Time off / Holiday days
Table data export
The table data export of the People report includes:
Capacity hrs
Time off
Scheduled hrs
Scheduled billable hrs
Scheduled non-billable hrs
Scheduled tentative (all) hrs
Logged hrs
Logged billable hrs
Logged non-billable hrs
Scheduled overtime hrs
Logged overtime hrs
Unscheduled hrs
Time off hrs
Time off days
Holiday hrs
Holiday days
Scheduled % of capacity
Scheduled billable % of capacity
Scheduled billable % of scheduled
Logged % of capacity
Logged billable % of capacity
Logged billable % of logged
Time tracking data export
This option is available only for teams using time tracking. The time tracking data export of the People report includes:
Logged fee
Logged Billable hours
Logged Non-billable hours
Additional notes
Float rounds to full numbers for percentages and up by two decimal points for currency amounts.
Adding custom fields to the reports is currently not supported.
Check the Projects Report article to better understand how your projects are performing.