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Changing your account owner

Transferring account ownership to another team member

Justyna Kawalec avatar
Written by Justyna Kawalec
Updated over a week ago

Account Owner access right

Each Float team has a single account owner with unrestricted access to your team. Account Owners can:

Any user with access to the People page can check who the current owner is by sorting the Access column. 

Sorting people by access rights in order to find the Account Owner.

Transferring the account ownership

The Account Owner can transfer the team ownership to another team member in the General section of Team settings

📝Note: After transferring the ownership, the previous account owner will become an Admin user on the account.

Transffering the account ownership in the General section of Team settings.

​If your current account owner is unavailable or no longer has access to Float, please let us know. With the confirmation from two account admins, we will be happy to help with the ownership transfer. 

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