Allocate time

Schedule allocations, assign tasks and learn about overtime indicators

Justyna Kawalec avatar
Written by Justyna Kawalec
Updated yesterday

Add an allocation

To create an allocation, just click and drag across a date on the Schedule to bring up the scheduling menu, or use the allocate time keyboard shortcut “T”.​

Allocate time.

Set the allocation hours and select the corresponding client and project to add the allocation to a person's schedule.

Allocation menu.

By default, all the new allocations are created as confirmed. They are displayed on the Schedule as a colored tile.

Confirmed allocation on the Schedule.

In the allocation menu, you can select for it to be Completed or Tentative. If an allocation is tentative it means that it is yet to be confirmed. By default, all allocations that are linked to tentative projects or project phases are tentative as well. If a project is not set as tentative, any individual allocation within the project can be marked as tentative from the allocation menu. On Schedule, they are displayed as color outlines to clarify that they haven't been confirmed yet.

Tentative allocation on the Schedule.

Some of the teams decide to mark the allocation as complete to indicate that the work has already been completed. When marked as complete, a checkmark is displayed next to allocations and the allocation color becomes translucent.

Confirmed allocation on the Schedule.

📝Note: We are storing the last used Task per Person per Project. When creating a new allocation, the project and the task name may be completed by default based on the last project and task names used. You can always modify it! When updating an existing allocation and changing the project, the task will be automatically blanked, so you can add or select a new one.


Project tasks can be added within an allocation or within the project menu.

While assigning allocations to related tasks when scheduling is optional, it is useful to help group allocations in the reports. Leaving the task blank means only the client/project name will be displayed on the Schedule.

By default, only Project Managers and Admins can add and edit project tasks, while anyone with permission can assign the allocation to pre-set tasks.

The padlock icon next to the Task means that the task list is locked. The Project Owners can lock the task list by selecting Only Project Managers can add to this list in the Task list tab within the project settings. This ensures that your team is only scheduling and logging tasks from the approved list.

Allocation menu. Locked tasks list.


Notes are a place for unstructured information, where you can add details specific to the allocation.

💡Here's a tip: You can type "@" followed by a person's name on any allocation note to mention them. They will receive a notification via email, Slack, or mobile push depending on the person's settings.

Assigned to

You can assign the same allocation to multiple people at once by adding their name to the Assigned to field, or to the whole team by choosing Select all.

Allocation menu. Assign to.

Repeating allocations

You can set allocations to repeat a variety of different ways to save time in the future. Find out more about repeating allocations, time off, and statuses here.

Repeating allocations.


If you schedule over a person's capacity for the day, the background behind the allocation will turn red to indicate overtime.

Overtime indicator on the Schedule.

The hours figure next to the person's name will also change colors when the person has any overtime scheduled in the current date range.

Overtime indicator on the Schedule.

Overtime hours can also be reviewed within your reports.

Report, overtime.

​Additional notes

  • The standard allocation unit in Float is hours per day. We do not currently support allocating by capacity percentage instead of hours.

Looking for more tips on scheduling?

Check our Resource Planning video guide and our Learn Library resources!

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