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Create filters and easily save, share, and switch between different Views

Jon Palustre avatar
Written by Jon Palustre
Updated over a week ago

Views features included in your Float plan

With Views you can save filters along with a sort order for easy access to Float views of the people and projects you need most. On all plans, any team member can create personal Views for their own use. On the Pro and Enterprise plans, Managers, Admins, and Account Owners can create shared Views that are available to everyone on the team.

Views features




Create and save personal Views

Pin your favorite Views

Managers, Admins, and Account Owners can create shared Views

💡 Here's a tip: Contact the Account Owner for your team to request access to shared Views. Learn more about access rights for changing your team's plan here.

Creating Views

Start by creating a filter for the View you want to build. You can create a filter from any page in Float (Schedule, People, Project, Reports and Log time pages).

  1. Click the Filter button to start adding a filter.

  2. Select from one of the default filters or type directly into the search field.

    Filter dropdown options.

  3. Filter by multiple types simultaneously by selecting the + button to expand the search.

    📝 Note: You can only use OR between filters of the same type. Between different types, you can only filter using AND. See Restrictions on using OR filter.

  4. Click Save, then add a name for your View.

    Here, Managers, Admins, and Account Owners on Pro and Enterprise plans have an additional option to set the View type to Shared.

  • Personal: The default for users on all plans. The View will be saved for your use and visible to you only.

  • Shared: Any team member can access a shared View. Only Managers, Admins, and the Account Owner who are on Pro and Enterprise plans, have the option to create a shared View.

Saving a search as a new View.

Restrictions on using the OR filter when saving a View

When saving a View you can't create an OR filter between different types (e.g. it's not possible to set Department is Engineer or Project is Mobile App Development and save that as a View).

When saving a View, you only have the option to use AND between different filter types. OR is only available for use within the same filter type (e.g. Department is Product or Support) for Views.

Combining AND/OR filter when saving a View

When saving a View you can multi-select different values under the same type to use the OR filter.

Selecting multiple values under the same type.

You can then combine it with a different type using the AND filter (e.g. Department is HR OR IT AND Project is Infrastructure Upgrade).

Using the AND filter between different types.

Accessing saved Views

Access saved Views by clicking on the Views icon at the top of any page. From here, you can access all your personal Views and any shared Views that have been saved. A shared View will have the shared icon next to its name.

You can also filter between the personal and shared Views or search for a View:

Accessing Views.

Editing Views

Currently, we only support editing the View's name.

To modify the name, open the Views dropdown, click on the three dots next to the view you'd like to change, and select Edit View.

Editing the existing View.

If you are the Account Owner, Admin, or Manager, and your team is on the Pro or Enterprise plan, you'll also see the option to convert the View to either personal or shared.

Modifying the name

Specific filters applied for the View can't be edited directly. Instead, you can apply the View, add additional filters, save it with the same name, and then delete the original View. Alternatively, you can delete the current View and add a new one from scratch.

Deleting Views

To delete the View, open the Views dropdown, click on the three dots next to the view you'd like to remove, and select Delete View.

Additional notes

  • Only the Account Owner, Admins, and Managers can edit or delete a shared View.

  • Views are currently not supported on the mobile app.

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