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Personal notifications

Stay up to date with your team's work

Justyna Kawalec avatar
Written by Justyna Kawalec
Updated over 2 months ago

It is important to stay updated with the latest changes to your team’s schedule, no matter your role in Float. Several notification options are available to ensure your team never misses a beat.

Notification settings

In addition to team notifications, each team member can set up personal notifications by clicking on the profile icon in the bottom left corner of the page and selecting Notifications.

Personal notification settings.

​There are several notification triggers that you can enable:

Personal notifications at Float.

Email me... notifications

The frequency of the Email me... notifications depends on the team notifications settings. The Account Owner can manage them in the Notifications tab of Team settings.

Team notifications settings.

The schedule email notifications are enabled by default. If the Account Owner sets the email reminder frequency to Never, you won't be able to overwrite it with your personal settings.

Unable to overwrite Account Owner settings for weekly schedule notifications

If the frequency is set to Daily, all team members will see the Daily option in their settings. Daily notifications are sent on each work day before 7 am. If the team frequency is set to Weekly, this will be the available option for everyone. The day of the week is determined by the Account Owner. 

The Account Owner can set the frequency of the time tracking reminders as Never, Daily, or Weekly. Each team member can enable/disable their personal notifications as needed. Individual users can still select to receive time tracking reminder emails even if the team's default is set to Never.

My daily/weekly schedule

The schedule email delivers a copy of your schedule directly to your inbox and gives you a clear picture of your work. It includes individual allocations, time off, and project milestones. Project Owners can also see their team's time off listed.

📝Note: Milestone information is sent to anyone listed under the project's Team.

Weekly schedule email.

A daily/weekly reminder to log time

If your team uses time tracking, you can enable log time reminders. They are sent out by 7 am in the selected time zone.

Log time reminders

Time tracking reminder

​Notify me when... notifications

Allocations assigned to me are updated

You will receive a notification whenever a new allocation is scheduled or something you’re working on is changed in the remaining days of the current week. Tentative allocations are not included in notifications, but once a tentative allocation is changed from tentative to confirmed, you'll be notified.

Allocations on any projects I own are updated

You will receive a notification whenever an allocation change occurs on a project you own. This applies to allocations that are completed, ongoing, or scheduled in the future.

Anyone on a project I own schedules time off

Whenever time off is scheduled or changed by a person on a project team that you are the Project Owner of, you will receive a notification. This applies only to time off that is scheduled in the future.

Anyone in the team I manage schedules time off

Whenever anyone that you manage requests or schedules time off, you will receive a notification. This applies only to time off that is scheduled in the future.

💡Here's a tip: After the first notification (sent after approximately 15 min if you are not logged into Float), subsequent emails are sent after 1, 2, 4, 6, and 8-hour intervals if you remain offline. The maximum number of notifications sent per day is 6.

In-app, email, & mobile push notifications

When a new notification is available, a dot appears next to the Notifications bell icon in the bottom left corner of the page to let you know there is an update. When you click on it, you can review recent notifications.

Notification indicator.

​If you are not online at the time at Float or do not click the icon, you will receive an email notification with all the latest changes after approximately 15 minutes. Additionally, if you use the Float mobile app, you will receive a push notification to your device. If you acknowledge the notification in Float, the email and mobile notifications won't be sent. 

Float notification email.

@mention notifications

In the Notes field of the project, allocation, or time off request, you can type "@" followed by a person's name to trigger a notification.

📝Note: @mention notifications are currently not supported for the log time records.

@metion notification in the Notes of the allocation menu.

Depending on their notification settings, the mentioned person is notified in-app (if online), via email, Slack, or mobile.

📝Note: When you @mention yourself, the notification will not be triggered.

Slack notifications

Each team member can connect Slack to Float to receive schedule updates and log time reminders directly on Slack. You can find out more about Slack notifications here.

Additional notes

  • Tentative and completed allocations are not included in notifications. 

  • Custom notifications are currently not supported.

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