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Schedule and manage time off
Schedule and manage time off

Schedule and manage holidays, sick days, personal time, and other types of leave

Justyna Kawalec avatar
Written by Justyna Kawalec
Updated this week

Schedule time off

For a quick overview, check the Scheduling time off video guide.

To book time off in Float, click anywhere on the Schedule to bring up the scheduling menu and navigate to the Time off tab.

Time off menu.

This is where you can select time off type, set the length, and create or request time off.

There are several time off types available. The Account Owner and the Admins can create additional time off types (and manage existing types) in the Time off tab within the Team settings.

When selecting a time off type, the available balances will show within the dropdown menu.

time off dropdown screenshot

Once you select the time off type, the summary of planned and remaining days will be displayed right below it.

time off remaining balance

​Time off can be assigned to multiple people by selecting them from the Assigned to drop-down or by typing in their name. To assign time off to everyone currently in view on the Schedule, click Select all.

Time off menu. Assigning time off to several team members.

💡 Here's a tip: You can use one of the available repeat options to save time when scheduling a recurring time off. Check out this article for more on repeating allocations, time off, and statuses.

Schedule tentative time off

​If your time off is still pending, you can set it as Tentative without impacting any scheduled allocations on that day.

tentative time off

Tentative time off is displayed as a dotted outline on the Schedule.

Tentative time off displayed on the Schedule page.

📝Note: If your team does not have time off approvals enabled, click the Tentative box again to have it confirmed.

Schedule time off over existing allocations

When scheduling a full day of time off over existing allocations, you'll see error messages informing you about the impact of these changes.

Scheduling time off over a single-day allocation

If you schedule a full day of time off on a day with existing allocations, logged time, or partial time off, a Conflicts will be deleted message will appear. This alerts you that all scheduled tasks, time off, and logged time for that day will be permanently removed. Selecting OK confirms the deletion.

Conflicts will be deleted screen

Scheduling time off over a single-day allocation

Scheduling time off over a multi-day allocation

If you schedule a full day of time off on a day that is part of a multi-day allocation, you'll also need to acknowledge that the allocation for that specific day will be removed. Selecting OK on the Conflicts will be deleted screen will delete the allocation. However, if you later delete the time off, the multi-day allocation will be restored. If you want to permanently remove the allocation for just that day, you'll need to split the multi-day allocation first before scheduling time off.

Scheduling time off over a multiple-days allocation

Scheduling time off over archived allocations

Since archived projects in Float are read-only, changes (including removing allocations) are not allowed to preserve historical data. If you attempt to schedule time off over an archived allocation, you’ll see a Conflicts need to be resolved error message, preventing you from proceeding.

Conflicts need to be resolved error message.

To resolve the conflict:

  • Activate the archived project.

  • Find the allocation on the Schedule and remove it. 

  • Re-archive the project.

For multi-day allocations, split them first to isolate the specific date(s) before removal.

Once these steps are complete, you can book time off while maintaining historical data integrity.

Scheduling time off over archived allocations

Time off policies

For a quick overview, check the Time off settings video guide.

The Account Owner and the Admins can manage the time off settings in the Time off tab of the Team settings.

Time off approvals

With time off approval enabled, team members must Request time off instead of creating it.

Team settings. Enabling time off approval.

​Learn about the time off approval process in the Time off approvals article.

Time off types

The Account Owner and users with Admin access rights can add, edit, and remove time off types in the Time off tab within Team settings.

Time off settings within the Team settings.

📝Note: The time off policies apply to the whole team. Setting an allowance for time off per person is currently not supported. If some of your team members have a different allowance than the rest, you'd need to create a separate time off type for each of them.

Personal time off type.

For each time off type, you can choose a name, set the color, the balance, the number of days, and the date you want the policy to begin (effective date).

Setting up time off type and balance.

Time off balance

There are five time-off balance options to choose from.

Time off balances.

  1. Unlimited - No restrictions on the number of days your team can schedule.

  2. Accrued per calendar year - A person's remaining balance is calculated based on the total number of work days in the year, minus any public or team holidays. For example, if there are 261 work days, each passing day adds 1/261 to the person’s accrued balance.

  3. Accrued per work anniversary - A person's remaining balance is calculated based on the total number of workdays from their  start date to one year from that date. By default, the start date is considered January 1, unless a specific date is set in the Availability tab within their profile.

  4. Granted upfront per calendar year - A person's remaining balance is calculated as the total number of granted days minus the days already scheduled between January 1 and December 31.

  5. Granted upfront per work anniversary - A person’s remaining balance is calculated as the total number of granted days minus the days already scheduled from their start date through one year from that date. By default, the start date is considered January 1, unless a specific date is set in the Availability tab within their profile.

Carry over unused days

If you want to move all or part of the remaining balance to the next year, check the Carry over unused days box and enter the number of days.

Editing time off type, enabling the carry over unused days.

Effective date

The effective date determines when a time-off policy takes effect. It is useful when introducing a new policy.

Example: A team member joined on January 1, 2022. If you introduce a new "granted upfront per calendar year" policy in 2025, you should set the effective date to January 1, 2025. Otherwise, the balance calculation will include past years.

Remaining balance calculation

To calculate the balance at any given point in time, Float considers time off's balance and carryover settings, the person's start date, and the effective date of the time off policy.

A person’s balance is always zero before their start date or before the policy's effective date.

Time off is tracked on a yearly basis, either by calendar year or work anniversary:

  • If granted upfront, the configured number of days is used.

  • If accrued over time, Float calculates:

    • The number of working days that have already passed

    • The total number of working days in the current one-year period

While the start date determines when an individual begins accruing time off, the carryover policy and accrual method (anniversary vs. calendar year) influence the final balance.

Archive and restore time off type

Archiving a time off type removes the time off type from active use on your team. Any time off scheduled for that time off type will remain on the Schedule as read-only. Team members will no longer see this time off type as an option when requesting or scheduling new time off.

This is useful when you update time off policies and want to prevent time off from being scheduled for time off types you are no longer using. The Account Owner and users with Admin access rights can archive or restore time off types within the Time off tab in Team Settings.

Click the pencil icon to edit the time off type and select Archive to archive it. To restore it, click on the pencil icon again and select Actions > Move to active.

Archiving and restoring time off types.

Time off report

Your team's scheduled time off is tracked on the Report page. There, you will find the aggregate and individual totals for each time off type, the total balance, the days and hours figures, and the percentage of the total balance currently scheduled.

Depending on your team's settings, you can filter the Time off by tentative/confirmed or approved/tentative/declined.

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