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Time off approvals

Approve your team's time off requests

Justyna Kawalec avatar
Written by Justyna Kawalec
Updated over a week ago

Time off approvals help you track and manage your team's time off directly on the Schedule.

The Account Owner and the Admins can enable the time off approvals in the Time off tab within the Team settings.

Team settings. Enabling time off approval.

With time off approval enabled, team members must Request time off instead of creating it. They can see who their request will be sent to on the time off menu.

Time off request with the approver information.

Time off requests are shown on the Schedule as tentative.​

Time off request displayed on the schedule.

The person's manager will receive a notification to approve or decline the request.

Time off request notification.

Once approved, the time off is confirmed on the Schedule. Clicking on the time off record will display the approver's information and the timestamp.

Approved time off.

Approved time off can be edited or deleted as needed.

Editing and removing time off request.

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