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Google Calendar

Sync your Google Calendar with Float

Justyna Kawalec avatar
Written by Justyna Kawalec
Updated over 4 months ago

With the Google Calendar integration, you can automatically import your calendar events to Float, export your Float items to Google Calendar, or do both. Once you connect Google Calendar to Float, allocations and events will be automatically synced in real-time according to your integration settings.

Set up Google Calendar integration

  1. To connect to Google Calendar, you must appear on your team Schedule. If you are added to the team as a guest, you won't be able to connect your calendar to Float.

    Click your profile icon at the bottom-left of any Float window and select Calendar integrations.

    Personal settings. Calendar integrations.

  2. Click Connect to log into your Google account. On the next page, confirm with Allow to authorize Float's access to your Google account.

    Calendar integrations. Connect screen.
  3. Select how synced calendar events display - either converted to your team’s time zone setting or using your synced calendar’s time zone setting.

    Events time zone display format.

  4. Check Send your calendar events to a Float project to import your calendar events to Float, or Send items from your schedule to a Google Calendar to export your Float items to Google—or do both!

    Google Calendar sync settings

  5. Click Save to start syncing Float and Google Calendar.

Import your Google events to Float

You can choose the calendar you want to sync to Float, the events you'd like to import, and the project you want them assigned to.

Expanded Google Calendar sync settings

💡Here's a tip: While your Google Calendar events can only be imported to a single Float project at a time, you can change the project that an individual event belongs to and optionally link it to a task once it is in Float. To do it, click on the event on the Schedule and select a different project. The event will remain synced with Google Calendar.

You can select the Choose specific events option if you don't want all your events added to Float. Instead, type in a single word to filter for any events that contain that word in the event name.

Choose specific events in the Google Calendar sync

📝Note: When using the Choose specific events filter, the word must contain alphanumeric characters, no spaces or special characters, and be between 3 and 20 characters long. We currently do not support entering multiple keywords.

You can check the Hide event titles from notes box to prevent others from seeing the details of your imported events.

Hide event titles from notes.

📝Note: When the Hide event titles from notes box is checked, event names are editable, but notes are not.

The sync icon at the top of each event clarifies which ones are synced from Google. To stop syncing individual events, open the task menu and click Unsync at the top.

Synced meeting.

Export your Float allocations to Google Calendar

You can also send your Float allocations to Google Calendar. Select the allocations you want to send from Float and the calendar to which you want to send them.

Expanded Google Calendar sync settings

You can choose between All confirmed allocations and time off, and All confirmed + tentative allocations and time off.

Export Float allocations.

📝Note: Allocations and time off without a specific time in Float are exported as all-day events to Google Calendar.

Disconnect the integration

Navigate to Calendar integrations > Edit > Disconnect Google to disconnect the calendar integration.

Disconnecting the integration will remove any synced tasks on your calendar.

Disconnecting Google Calendar integration.

Check Google Calendar's Technical & Security Information.

Additional notes

  • Recurring events are treated as repeating allocations in Float if they match one of the available repeat allocation options. All other recurring events will be imported as individual allocations.

  • All-day events are not imported to Float.

  • The Out Of Office or the Focus Time set for a few hours a day is treated as an event and imported to Float.

  • If no end date is set for a recurring event, an end date is set three years from the date of import in Float.

  • Events scheduled overnight in Google (e.g., 10 p.m. - 1 a.m.) will display on the first day within Float with no crossover into the next day.

  • Google descriptions are imported to the maximum number of characters supported in Float (250). Any additional characters will not be displayed.

  • Events are imported from 2 months before the import date to 3 years after.

  • Only events from the default calendar group are imported into Float. Public shared folders will not be imported.

  • Members with read-only access to Float can send items from their Float schedule to Google Calendar, but they do not have access to send calendar events to a Float project. The Account Owner or an Admin can update a team member's access rights to grant edit access.

  • Only one Google Calendar can be connected per team member at any time.

  • Status updates are not supported for repeating calendar events. It's not possible to mark one of the repeating events as Complete, Confirmed, or Tentative without impacting others in the series.

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