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Set up the OneLogin single sign-on

Justyna Kawalec avatar
Written by Justyna Kawalec
Updated over a week ago

SSO is available on the Pro and Enterprise plans.

If your team is using OneLogin as its identity provider, it's easy to set up SAML single sign-on with Float in just a few minutes.

The Account Owner can set up SSO from the Security tab in Team Settings.

Team settings, Security, SAML SSO configuration.

To Configure the SSO, they will need to complete the setup with your OneLogin account details, and click Save.

Team settings, Security, SAML SSO configuration.

To get the required data from OneLogin follow the steps below:

  • Log in to your OneLogin account

  • Select Apps / Add Apps

  • Search and select ‘Float’ from the app directory

  • Select the SSO tab

OneLogin settings.
  • Copy the SAML 2.0 Endpoint (HTTP) field (Selecting the clipboard icon next to this field will select this).

  • Copy the Issuer URL, which is the field directly above it.

OneLogin settings.
  • Copy the X.509 Certificate. You can get to this by selecting View Details. Make sure you copy the whole certificate by selecting the clipboard icon.

OneLogin settings.
  • Select the Configuration tab

  • Enter your Float subdomain in the Float Company field. For example, if you login to float using the URL: then you'll enter "agencyname" in this field.

  • Select Save

OneLogin settings.

Once the setup is complete, your team can log into Float from OneLogin or by clicking the Sign in with OneLogin directly from your Float subdomain (i.e.,

The Account Owner can decide if the SSO is required for sign-in, or if the password sign-in is allowed as well.


If you are seeing an issue with SSO login or it stops working for everyone on the team, this could be due to these two possible reasons:

  1. SSO stopped working for everyone: In most cases, this is due to an expired certificate. Please update your certificate in Team Settings > Security.

  2. SSO is not working for some users: It might be caused by a mismatch between the team member's email in OneLogin and Float. Please review the team member's email address to ensure it matches.

If this didn't help or if you are seeing other issues with your SSO, please reach out to us for further assistance.

Additional notes

  • User provisioning is not currently supported. Before your team can authenticate via OneLogin, they must already have account access to Float.

  • To remove your authentication, select Configure from your Team settings > Security and delete the values.

  • If you change your email address, please let us know so we can update the SSO email for you.

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