For a quick overview, check the Statuses video guide.
Setting a person's status lets everyone know what they are doing on a particular day and helps ensure that nothing hinders the team's productivity.
To set a status, click on a date on the Schedule and select the Status tab from the allocation menu. There are three suggested statuses available—Home, Office, and Travel, and an open space if you want to set a custom status.
A person's status appears:
On the Schedule at the bottom of the day
On the Schedule next to the person’s avatar if the status is active today.
In the schedule email below a person's allocations and time off.
The Account Owner or team members with Admin access rights can change the default status names and colors from the Statuses tab within the Team settings.
💡 Here's a tip: If you're using the Slack notifications app, you can sync your status to your profile in Slack to give your team even greater visibility.
Additional notes
Searching and filtering by a person's status is currently not supported.