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Sort your team and projects

Justyna Kawalec avatar
Written by Justyna Kawalec
Updated over 2 months ago

You can adjust the display order of your people and projects by selecting the Sort By option at the top of the Schedule, Log team and the Project plan.

Sorting on the Schedule

You can sort your team on the Schedule by:
- Name - A-Z and Z-A (by first name)

- Unscheduled - Once the date range is selected, you can sort by unscheduled hours - high to low, and low to high

- Department - A-Z and Z-A

- Role - A-Z and Z-A

- Custom - You can organize your team in your preferred order. Simply hover over a team member and drag them up or down to the desired position. This custom order is linked to your individual account and will be saved until you decide to change it.

Sorting options on the Schedule

Sorting on the Log team page

If your team uses time tracking, you can use the same sorting on the Log team page.

Sorting on the Log team page.

Sorting on the Project plan

On the Project plan, you can sort your projects by:

- Name - A-Z and Z-A

- Client - A-Z and Z-A

- Age - newest-oldest and oldest-newest - based on the project start date.

Sorting projects on the Project plan

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